Most books are in excellent or perfect condition. Our volunteers carefully sort the donated books we receive each year, keeping only the best 60,000 or so. We receive valuable books from scholars and celebrities, university departments (including Princeton and Rutgers), and the estates of ardent book collectors. The sale attracts collectors and dealers from Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Maine, Ohio, and beyond. It is worth the trip!
The 2025 sale will take place March 12th through noon on March 16. The site once again is Stuart Country Day School in Princeton, NJ. Tickets for the March 12 Opening Day will go on sale on the Annual Sale page starting at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 12.
For 2025, choose from books from the estate of Alfred Bush, an editor of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson and longtime curator of Western and Native American materials at the Princeton University Library. There are also volumes from the estate of Bryn Mawr graduate Dr. Susan Auth, a classical archaeologist and Newark Museum curator. The final private collection is from the estate of Susan Casteras, Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of Washington (Seattle), an expert on British art, especially Victorian and pre- Raphaelitism.
Prices for 2025 are:
Opening Day tickets – $32 per person
New release hardbacks (< 5 years old) – $5.00
New release paperbacks – $4.00
Hardback – $4.00
Large paperback – $3.00
Small paperback – $1.00
Children’s – $1 and up
DVDs and audio books – $1 per disk (larger sets may be specially marked)
Box Day – Most books are $10 per box
Collectible and rare books in our Collectors Corner room are offered at a percentage of a book’s average online value at the time we price it. Books worth up to $100 are sold at 25% of their market values while books over $100 are marked at 30%.

Why do dealers make a point of attending the Bryn Mawr-Wellesley Book Sale?
1. Tens of thousands of top quality books in 60+ categories
2. Rare and antique books available in Collectors Corner
3. Books are priced with dealers’ profit margins in mind.
4. Books are carefully curated to remove the dross, leaving only books in excellent condition.
5. We sell collections donated by scholars, university professors, and local celebrities.